Top Down View of DNA - Definitely something to stare at

Da Vinci Code De-code-eD

1. stabilizing earth's functioning - keeping the weather good, rains on time, tectonics in place...

2. travelling to other stars without heavy metal craft

3. holding memory through death process - real immortality

4. a perfect immune system able to fend any disease - love is the cure

5. creating a sustainable field effect in our DNA known by million names like Soul, Atma, Chi, Spirit etc. something which we have been taking for granted for millenia

6. breaking up of all mental/psychological barriers ... it is the true breaking out of *The Matrix*

all spirituality everywhere has always been geared towards this one and only one goal

getting dna into this perfect fractal shape

all evil (opposite of live) is geared towards not allowing this to happen...

the stage is set!

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